Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Forgiveness Vs. Vengeance ?

To be brutally honest, i have been having sleepless night because of a recent incidence.

But after giving it a good thought, i choose living my life happy, healthy and (AMEN) wealthy...in the past, i'd kept tons and tons of grudges resulting many many sleepless nights and heartache and headache. Do i want to be in that kind of life again? I don't think so.... i really like where i am now.

So in the case of Forgiveness Versus Vengeance, Forgiveness 1- Vengeance-0. But do pray really hard for me, as I'm only HUMAN ;)

Yours truly,
Princess Matahari :D


mumsie said...

Touche! That's the best & wise choice...proud of u girl..I mean aunty LOL Life is worth a living & nobody can make it worthy other than us...So flush the 'V' in the toilet for that is WHERE it belongs to...in with the shit & all..yucks! Luvya! hugggsss

From D'Gurl Herself said...

Love you too sweetheart HUGSSSSS!